Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Random Thoughts preview and a random shout out

I have put this blog together to share some of my random thoughts and hopefully have others join me in adding their random thoughts and we can explore why we have these random thoughts and maybe we can come up with an explanation. I have many views on sports, funniness, life, politics, religion ( I try to stay out of politics and religion, but I like to hear other peoples views), finance, stock picking, random shit, business in general, international topics, movies, funny words, talking to random people, and so on...

Please post a response to what you are thinking and let's think randomly together.

P.S. If you are into skateboarding - Silhouette Skateboards - www.myspace.com/silhouetteboards - is coming out with their first board and possibly some clothing in the coming months. Check them out, the owner is cool.


Ms_Lyonese said...

I find life funny people in general and situations in particular. I find it strange that people believe that "It's not supposed to happen to them" but to other person. I have always thought that God has a strange sense of humor after all he put us here in colors and then sat back and watched the fun.

Ms_Lyonese said...

Nursing of all things. Why sometimes I wonder myself. The strange thing is occasionally I'm really good. We won't mention the other times :). However, I passed got the second highest score. And yes I am bragging. This is one brag I deserved. By the way, thanks for the comment.

Ms_Lyonese said...

LOL Yes I know I try everything out on myself before I use it on an individual. And yes I am kinky. Not necessarily crazy just very different in my approach to sexual conduct. Soooooooooooooo when did you get the opportunity to try out a leather cricket bat?

Ms_Lyonese said...

I have started reading Rich Dad Poor Dad. I am finding it intersting. Not that I have that much money to invest as of yet, but one does live in hope. I am also reading about how to buy a foreclosure. I am looking for a ways to get some retirement together so when I get finished working for whatever hospital that gets me. I can take that trip around the world on that fabulously cheap ocean going sailboat that has my name one it. Any suggestions?